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Boating Services

Yacht Registration Application

Easy to use on-line registration that's exclusive to Nicolle Associates clients.

For mainland registration of vessel of less than 15 metres where the vessel is/will be lying in the UK.

This sum includes:

(i) Registration fees for first registration of new or second hand vessel £130.00

(ii)Measurement fee £135.00. This sum applies provided that an RYA approved surveyor can be instructed locally. (If the boat is located in an area where this in not possible the survey fee may be higher. We will advise you of any additional sum required.)

(iii) our fees (inclusive of VAT) £235.00

For registration in Jersey or Guernsey

Where the vessel is less that 13.7 metres and where the vessel is/willl be lying in the UK


For registration of vessel exceeding 15 metres or a vessel of any size lying abroad please contact us for a formal fixed price quotation.

Should the vessel currently be registered abroad, further sums will be required in order to obtain transcripts and certified copies of the foreign registry concerned and translations thereof. Please contact us for further information and a formal quotation.

If you would like to discuss any aspect, prior to completing this form, please contact us

I would like to register my yacht - please find below my full details required for registration.

Please note that all items marked with an * are required

New Owner's Details

Please complete for all persons having interest in ownership of the vessel concerned.


* First name 
(or Company name) 

* Last name 
(or company number) 

* Nationality 
(or name of Act or authority that set up  the  company) 

* Address 
(in the case of a company, registered  office  address) 
* County/State/Region 
* Post / Zip code 
* Country 
* Main Contact Telephone 
Home telephone 
* E-mail 

In the case of more than one owner of the vessel, please provide details of other owner(s) in the following notes section.

Boats are owned as to 64/64 shares, please indicate the shareholding of each owner where there is more than one owner.

Details of other owners 

(please include Shareholding, Full name,  Address, Nationality and Tel.No. for each  separate owner ) 

Details of vessel

* Current name of vessel 
Proposed name to be registered (if different  from above) 
Alternative names in order of preference 

* Port of choice. 
(See drop down list) 

* Make and model of boat 
* Make, model and power of engine 
* Approximate length of vessel 
* Year of build 
* Place and country of build 
* Construction material 
* Name and address of builder 
Radio call sign (if known) 

Previous registration details

* Has the vessel been registered before? 
In which country? 
What was the Port of Registry? 
What was the registered number? 

Measurement survey

* Where can the vessel be measured? 
* Name of person with whom we should liase  for arranging measurement? 
* Tel.No.: 
* Does this person have the keys to the  vessel? 
If not, where can the keys be obtained? 