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Boating Services

Boat Insurance Quotation

Peace-of-mind protection that's exclusive to Nicolle Associates clients.

Recommended by Nicolle Associates.

I am interested in marine insurance - please provide me with a quotation and further details without obligation. If you would like to discuss any aspect, prior to completing this form, please contact us

Please note that all items marked with an * are required

Personal Details
* First name 
* Last name 
* Date of birth 
Postcode/Zip code 
* Telephone 
Home telephone 
* E-mail 
Optional Information on Current Insurance Policy
Craft's name 
Year of manufacture 
Current value 
Price paid  
Expiry of present insurance 
Present insurer 
Current No Claims Bonus  
Cruising limits for the period for which  insurance is required 
Details of any claims 
Number of claim-free years 
Boating experience of skipper, and  details of boating certificates /  qualifications 


On receipt of your completed enquiry form we will usually provide you with a written quotation within 24 hours either by post, or where you have provided an e-mail address by e-mail.

If you are happy with our proposal, and wish to proceed, we can place you on cover for an initial period of 30 days during which time we require a fully completed proposal form and payment by either Cheque, Credit Card or by Direct Debit over 10 months.

Note there is a small interest charge to cover payment by instalments.

Once we have received your proposal and payment full documents will usually be despatched within 48 hours.